Virtual Coffee

Today I want to join Bine on her virtual coffee again and think about the past weekend. This weekend was a lot of fun.

On Saturday we went hiking on Mount Nzaui near our home. We can always see it from our garden and always wanted to stand on the top and look at the valley.

We had a guide who showed us different sights and he chose the way straight through bushes, a lot of the time we didn`t even follow a path, we just walked in the middle of nowhere. 

But luckily the guide really knew this place and we had a lot of fun. The sight on top of the mountain was amazing. 

On Sunday we mostly just relaxed. We enjoyed reading books, I worked on my Blog… The only thing we had to do is wash our clothes, which always takes a long time because we have to hand wash it.

Now it`s monday. In Kenya the 21.10. is a holiday, so we don`t have to go to work and can just enjoy the day =) 


EDIT: Does somebody else has sometimes the problem that Blogger doesn`t change your post when you try to edit it? For the longest time I am repeating the steps over and over again, but every time I check the post, it`s still the same. I want to move the picture in the middle, and it works, I save it...but then when I click on the post it`s back to the old....Does anybody know what to do? 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Amazing pictures : )
    The third picture is my favourite! : )

    Best wishes


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