Sport motivation

When it comes to sport I am really torn about it. I love it and I hate it with all my heart. It always feels like this big mountain in front of me that I don`t want to climb...
It`s hard for me to find any motivation when I start (...eventough I know that afterwards I feel so much better.) Sometimes I feel like I only start my training to get in better shape, or maintain my weight…sometimes I do it because I don`t want to feel bad when I don`t do it…I know that those are wrong motivations, but i would be lieing if i tell you otherwise. In the end I know that sport is good for my overall health and this is also a reason I like to do my workout, but oh well...

However…Sport is a part of my life…and it is a part of my almost daily struggle. It helps me to remember some inspirational quotes. One of my favorite quote, that always motivates me, is from blogilates. I`m sure a lot of you know Cassey Ho already, but if you don`t I highly recommend you check out her youtube channel and here blog (

So, I don`t claim to own this quote or have invented it, just want to share…


So, now I`m gonna change my cloth into my sport outfit and get sore.....

Hope you all have a nice day - and don`t fprget to workout (so, we can share the pain..;))

1 Kommentar:

  1. I am 56 years old but I still find motivation to do sport. Young people should be able to sport without motivation.


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