Food And Drink ¦ Nairobi Java House

Today I want to introduce to you a very lovely Coffee House in Nairobi. I`ve been to it a few times before and if you ever are going to be in Nairobi, keep it in mind;) It is not traditional African and the food is mostly international but sometimes that`s just what you miss after a long time of only eating traditional African dishes.

The Java Coffee House is very clean and the food and drinks are absolutely save. (I write that because some of the restaurants in Nairobi are not very clean and you might get stomach problems when you go there for the first time. When you try a real African restaurant, which I recommend you do, just always take one in which the kitchen is open, so that you can see how the quality standard is . It is a standard for a “good” restaurant that has nothing to hide!)

The Nairobi Java Coffee House is a chain that is getting now quite famous around visitors and also many Kenyans. It is always full and it is not uncommonly that you have to wait to be seated because there is no freer table left. But the wait is worth….
It has an excellent variety of coffee, tea and cake, pie, donats, scones, banana bread, muffins, rolls and even a variety of croissants - and like my boyfriend and I start to joke they are “real”. By that we mean that the coffee is freshly brewed from beans, not instant, with fresh milk and the cakes and pies are like we use to know them in Europe and America, made with the original ingredients and it`s just mouthwatering;) I think I mentioned it before, but here in Kenya you don`t get normal coffee in a restaurant or a coffee house, it`s always instant coffee and some sponge cake or biscuit that taste like they should have been eaten a long time ago. But more and more Coffee Houses in bigger cities realize the trend for “better quality”. Jeez, I`m sorry, I got carried away…Back to the main topic.
From left to right: Cappucino and New York Cheese Cake, Fruit Smoothie and Green Tea, Vanilla Pudding Fudge, Carrot Cake and a Mango Milkshake, Bran Muffin, Carrot Cake
The Java Coffee House also has an excellent menu card with salads, burgers, Mexican dishes, soups, sandwiches, meat, fish, ice cream, smoothies and so. You also have good choice of vegetarian dishes. You can eat breakfast (try the porridge or the fruit salad with nuts), lunch and dinner. My favorite is the vegetarian wrap with a side salad. My boyfriend prefers a good old burger;)
Burger with fries, Apple Fresco Salad with Walnuts, Vegetarian Wraps with Side Salad, Mexican Fajita with different side dishes, Vegetarian Burger with a side sald, Chips Masala
You can find the Java House in almost every Mall in Nairobi, but there are also two in the city centre. 

This Weekend we also tried an organic restaurant, which made my heartbeat stop for a second. I have never seen anything like this before in Kenya  and it was luck that our little hotel on a side road was just located next to the restaurant. But I am going to introduce this one to you in an extra post

I hope you enjoyed this review=)


2 Kommentare:

  1. Mhmmm, das sieht ja sehr, sehr lecker aus! Verhungern würde ich da auch nicht *lach
    Spannend für halbes Jahr in Kenia zu leben - ich werd dich einfach (blogmäßig) begleiten!

    Liebe Grüße, Lalena (die sich sehr über deinen lieben Kommentar gefreut hat!)

  2. Liebe Krisi!

    Das sieht unglaublich lecker aus! Tolle Vorstellung! Finde deinen Blog übrigens überaus interessant :)

    Liebster Gruss aus Mainz


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