Simple life Cowpea-Tomato Salad

Have you ever tried Cowpeas?
Well I have not, until coming to Africa. Indeed I know by now (thanks to Wikipedia)  that cowpeas are acutally quite famous in many countries like Africa, America or Asia.

This Pea contains lot`s of healty nutrition..It contains almost 25% protein and the seed is rich in the amino acids, lysine and tryptophan. Even it is also rich in Carbohydrate, i don`t bother that much because it`s a healty form of Carbohydrate and our body needs it.
Since i didn`t know what to make with these peas i bought, one of my first step was to search through the internet. I found that cowpeas are usually cooked in a soup, a stew or used in salads. The weather here in Africa is, as you might figure, quiete hot and so i chose the last alternative and decided to make a salad. A quick glance in my kitchen reminded me that i need to do grocery shooping, because i was only left with fresh here it is, a quick Cowpea-Tomato Salad...simple like my new simple life.

Serves 2:

1 Cup Cowpeas
3 Tomatos
1 red Onion
4-5 tsp Oliveoil
2-3 tsp Apple Cider Vinigar
1 tsp sugar/ or Honey (for non vegans)


  1. Let the cowpeas soak in water and put them to rest over night. 
  2. The next day wash the peas clean and with fresh water bring them to a boil. The water should cover the peas for about 3 cm. Let it boil for about 40-50 minutes until tender, then remove the water and let them cool down a bit.
  3. Meanwhile slice the Tomatos in pieces.
  4. For the vinaigrette mix together the oil, cider, honey, salt and pepper and mix it well. 
  5. Know fold in the beans and let them soak in the vinaigrette for at least 1 hour, best 2 or more.
  6. About 15 minutes before serving fold in the Tomatos and voila- 
  7. Finished.
Bon appétit

Tip: I imagine this salad even more delicious if you add cilantro or basil. Mix it with cucumber, celery or if your adventurous add some very fince apple slices. 

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