Have you ever tried Cowpeas?
Well I have not, until coming to Africa. Indeed I know by now (thanks to Wikipedia) that cowpeas are acutally quite famous in many countries like Africa, America or Asia.
This Pea contains lot`s of healty nutrition..It contains almost 25% protein and the seed is rich in the amino acids, lysine and tryptophan. Even it is also rich in Carbohydrate, i don`t bother that much because it`s a healty form of Carbohydrate and our body needs it.
Since i didn`t know what to make with these peas i bought, one of my first step was to search through the internet. I found that cowpeas are usually cooked in a soup, a stew or used in salads. The weather here in Africa is, as you might figure, quiete hot and so i chose the last alternative and decided to make a salad. A quick glance in my kitchen reminded me that i need to do grocery shooping, because i was only left with fresh tomatos...so here it is, a quick Cowpea-Tomato Salad...simple like my new simple life.
Serves 2:
1 Cup Cowpeas
3 Tomatos
1 red Onion
4-5 tsp Oliveoil
2-3 tsp Apple Cider Vinigar
1 tsp sugar/ or Honey (for non vegans)
- Let the cowpeas soak in water and put them to rest over night.
- The next day wash the peas clean and with fresh water bring them to a boil. The water should cover the peas for about 3 cm. Let it boil for about 40-50 minutes until tender, then remove the water and let them cool down a bit.
- Meanwhile slice the Tomatos in pieces.
- For the vinaigrette mix together the oil, cider, honey, salt and pepper and mix it well.
- Know fold in the beans and let them soak in the vinaigrette for at least 1 hour, best 2 or more.
- About 15 minutes before serving fold in the Tomatos and voila-
- Finished.
Bon appétit
Tip: I imagine this salad even more delicious if you add cilantro or basil. Mix it with cucumber, celery or if your adventurous add some very fince apple slices.
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