Wow, it`s already Sunday again...A week is over and I`m sitting here and thinking about what happened to me this week.
This week I had to work more than usually, but that`s okay. I felt a little under the weather, because it was changing all the time from very hot to "cold", rainy to sunny.
Yesterday a terror attack hit Nairobi. In a famous shopping mall at least 39 people were killed. I`m very shocked, because I also used to shop in this mall when I`m in Nairobi. I`m so sorry for the people who lost somebody they loved and I`m praying for them and for the people who are still kept inside!!
I was thinking about dedicating it a whole post itself, but I decided I want to keep this blog more about "simple" things, and more personal to my life. I still wanted to mention it, because it also was a part of my week and it shocks me...
Here are some pictures that show a few things that I was thinking about this week...
I was thinking: "Can someone please buy my a washing maschine?" |
Felt lucky that I can live in a "normal" house, still without water, but at least electricity. Here you can see a house that is standard for the most people living here. |
I cooked different meals and started to blog them...still trying to figure out how to get better quailty for the pictures. But because of the bad lighting in my kitchen it`s quite hard... |
Most places are extremly dry, but when you look closely you find flowers, hidden green trees and more. |
I went to the vegetable market and was amazed by all the colors and the smell of the fruits and vegetables. |
I walked along the river near by my house - because of the heat it is completely tried out |
Relaxed in the afternoon by reading Nora Roberts aka J.D.Robb and watching the chicken eating their dinner |
I got frustrated that no matter how hard I try to keep my house clean, it never stays clean for very long.With all this dust and sand around you have no chance by keeping the floors clean. |
I succesfully made Chapati - the African version of Naan |
Enjoyed nice evenings in my garden |
They way African way of getting rid if garbage |
So, how was your week?
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