September Morning

Today I read about a lovely project in a german blog. The name of the blogger is Luzia and her blog luziapimpinella is written in german and english, so that all can read. It`s a nice blog about photography and lifestyle.

As I read the title of the photo- project I immediately wanted to participate. 
September Morning
My first thought went back to my hometown in Europe and how the leafs are going to change now, maybe some early morning mist...
But here in Africa the mornings are different. September is hot and the sun gets up at the same time every day, all year. A few days ago I made a picture of the sunrise in the Masai Mara, so this is the picture I want to share for this project....
Because September mornings are not the same everywhere...

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
    -  Marcus Aurelius
You can go and read the blogpost i was talking about, and also take a look at all the beautiful pictures, here: Project September Morning

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