
Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick

Aproduct that I don`t want to miss in my collection is the Bobbi brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick.
When I first bought it and tried it at home I really didn`t like it because it started creasing shortly after I put it on my lids. So after trying different ways to apply it and always getting the same result I stopped using it. After a few weeks I tried it again – I don`t why, but since then it never creased on my lids.
Now it`s a stable in my routine and I use it several times in the week. Often I put a similar shadow upon on it, but only to switch it up. The color alone is beautiful itself.
I have the color “sunlight gold” - It`s a soft light gold and has very fine glitter in it. But so fine that you can`t really see it, but it reflects beautiful on your lid. The shadow smoothes on easily, but once applied you have to blend it out fast – because it dries quickly. I think that’s a good thing ;) Once the shadow is applied, it stays put on for the whole day. 
Sunlight gold photographed in the shadow
 I really enjoy the simplicity with this product. You don`t need a brush, you just swipe it over your lid, lightly blend it with your fingers and that`s it. If you`re in a hurry that`s perfect. It also makes a perfect base if you want to use a gold eyeshadow because it brings out the gold colors very well.
photographed in direct sunlight
Have you tried Bobbi Browns Shadow sticks? And if, what do you think of them?

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