
Things I`m loving...Lush Dry Shampoo

I think by now everybody knows what a dry shampoo is (at least in the beauty world) and has at least one bottle at home or tried one. I started using dry shampoo a few years ago when the selection was not very big, or to be exact, there was just on brand that offered dry shampoo.
I loved it from the very first second, even though now looking back it was one of the worst I ever used. It left a gray residue on my hair that was hard to get out and it didn`t keep my hair fresh for too long. After that I dried several different, the ones I loved the most were Batiste and Lee Stafford, both for brown hair. This summer I bought the ”No Drought” Dry Shampoo from Lush, because I wanted something practical for traveling and living in Kenya.  

Because I love this dry shampoo so much and even dare to say that it is the best I ever used, I want to review it.

It comes in a typical Lush bottle and against all the other ones I used it is a loose powder that you can gently sprinkle on your hair.

This is what Lush says:
Our dry shampoo absorbs excess oils and volumizes locks, making the hair look and smell fresh without having to wash. When you don't have time or want to give you hair a break from too much washing, massage a little into your scalp and through your hair, then shake or brush out. It blends in completely, even on dark hair, to give texture and a soft, matte finish. Lemon, grapefruit and lime oils will give your hair a fruity fragrance, so you'll smell fresh too!

I love this dry shampoo because
  • it is the first one that leaves my hair fresh for more than just one day 
  • Even though it has a whitish powder, it doesn’t leave a grayish residue in my hair 
  • It smells very fresh, but not all artificial (lemon and grapefruit, hmmm) 
  • It comes without preservative 
  • It is vegan and 100% natural (Ingreditiens: Corn Oil (Zea mays) , Magnesium Carbonate , Talc , Perfume , Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi) , Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia) , *Citral , *Geraniol , *Limonene , *Linalool)
  • It lasts forever
In my opinion it only has two downsides:
  • You have to be careful while using, it can easily fall way too much out of the  bottle opening. 
  • Because it`s powder it`s not so handy in use, it can spil on your clothes when you`re not careful

What dry shampoo do you use and what it your favorite? Have you ever tried “No drought”


3 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe krisi,
    vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar!-Ich habe mich sehr über diesen gefreut! Deinen Buchvorschlag will ich auch mal noch im Internet suchen... denn das hat sich super Interessant für mich angehört!-Ich bewundere das nämlich total, wenn ich Leute sehe, die mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht trainieren (das ist für mich Königsdisziplin) ;-)... da möchte ich auch mal noch hin kommen!-Ganz so weit bin ich noch nicht... daher fand ich deinen kommentar sehr spannend! Hut ab- wie gesagt das finde ich total faszinierend, wenn das jemand beherscht... ich schaffe inzwischen mit ach und krach ein paar Klimzüge- Liegestütz gehen schon besser... aber alles andere muss ich noch ganz schön trainieren... aber ich bleib dran ;-)
    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. Guter Tipp! Habe schon lange mal überlegt, Trockenshampoo auszuprobieren, jetzt muss ich doch mal zu LUSH.
    Liebe Grüße, Christina

    Übrigens, schöner Blog!

  3. Liebe Christina.
    Vielen Dank für dein Kommentar, dass freut mich das dir mein Blog gefällt=) Ich hoffe du wirst das Trockenshampoo mögen, ich finds wirklich klasse wie man merkt;)
    Liebe Grüsse,


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