- In Kenya they say that doves on the roof are a lucky cham – well lucky charm or not, they keep my from sleeping
- Nowhere in Kenya you can buy earplugs – (jeez, those doves)
- To live without a fridge is not as hard as I thought
- I really love my wardrobe at home and wouldn`t have thought I miss it so much
- To keep ANYTHING clean for one day is impossible with all this sand and dust
- Harvestmen are really innocuous comparing to all the other spiders’ here– Why was I ever afraid of them?
- Even after two month people don`t stop starring because of the color of my skin
- When you think it doesn`t get hotter anymore – you`re wrong
- People are cowardly - instead of fighting the real problem, they kill innocent
- Teaching is very different here in Kenya – and I don`t know how to handle the differences

How was your September? What are the little things you learned?
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